Well Hello there lovely people of the internet, I have noticed it's been a long while since my last blog post and there's one big reason as to why I haven't, I have been very busy over the last few months with college work and work and trying to chose what I am going to do in the future once I finish college in a couple of months time. I am aiming to get a blog post up when I have the time too.
So now after that little ramble and update and apology, I have decided to give a little lifestyle post, and as you can see by the title it's called Study Tips. Considering I have been in four years of college education, five years of secondary school education and I won't count primary because to be honest I didn't really learn much about studying in primary school, I think I have a good range of tips that have helped me and might help you.
Tip Number 1 - Keep some kind of drink near you.
So now after that little ramble and update and apology, I have decided to give a little lifestyle post, and as you can see by the title it's called Study Tips. Considering I have been in four years of college education, five years of secondary school education and I won't count primary because to be honest I didn't really learn much about studying in primary school, I think I have a good range of tips that have helped me and might help you.
Tip Number 1 - Keep some kind of drink near you.
A drink I find really helps give me energy and motivation to carry on with my work during the day, I highly suggest water, one of the biggest reasons for this is water surprisingly gives you more energy then you'd expect, I have drunk four bottles of water in a matter of a day whilst doing course work. Another drink I suggest slightly because I think I have an addiction to it, is coffee, just because I do love to drink it and it does wake me up.
Tip Number 2 - Write notes
I find writing down all my notes, of what I have to do and when the work is in and notes about that piece of work really helps me get on with the work as I can just get on with the work and look at the notes that I already have. It is a really good way of helping your brain work and get motivated.
Tip Number 3 and Final Tip - Music
My final tip would be set up a playlist of all songs that you like to listen to that will help you get on with work, and even if you are at home in your room, I will always advise putting the headphones in because they really help me focus compared to just playing the music out loud. Any headphones will work, I do tend to use my FRENDS headphones, I love them so much and they are so worth the buy even though they are expensive. I used to use my skull candy headphones that I still have and I love too.
So that is the end of my post, I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave a comment.
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