Sunshine Blogger Awards!!
Hello My Lovelies and welcome back to my blog, hope you're all doing great. This blog post is an impromptu post that I never expected to write this because I never expected it in the first place.
So lets get on with it. As you can see by the title of this blog post I am writing a post for the Sunshine Blogger Awards.
I was nominated by the lovely Stephanie Jay who can be found at her blog here.
This award goes to bloggers who are positive, inspiring and bring a little bit of sunshine into people’s lives. I’m really touched that Paige thought to nominate me, so thank you very much!
- Thank the blogger who nominated you by linking their blog.
- Answer the questions.
- Nominate 11 blogs with 11 questions.
- List the rules as well as displaying the Sunshine Award logo on your post
- What was the last picture you took on your phone?
The last picture I took on my phone was one for my next blog post that will be up very soon so I don't want to place it on this post. Its of snacks.
- What made you start a blog?
I personally love to write, it's just something that I love to do and I just wanted to share everything that comes into my small head with people of the internet. It really started when for my college course, I had to write a blog post for one of my assignments.
- What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Being free to write anything I have ever wanted to write and not have people stop me and getting the opportunity to make other friends who enjoy the same passion as I do.
- Which three famous people would you invite to a dinner party and why?
Probably Andy Samberg, because I am obsessed with Brooklyn 99 right now and he's just hilarious, Sarah Jessica Parker because she's one of my idols and probably Nina Dobrev because I couldn't help but love her.
- Which two makeup products could you not live without?
Mascara because it makes me look slightly more awake and Lipstick, makes me feel much more alive.
- What’s your favourite film?
Oh what a hard question, I literally couldn't answer this but as of right now, my favourite movie has to be Kingsman: The Secret Service.
- Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
New York City! Because this is my bucket list goal to go and I love the city and wish I could go there so much.
- What is your dream job?
Honestly, something to do with Theatre, either an actress or working in Theatre that's all that matters to me.
- Have you been/are you at University?
I am currently a University Student, I love it so far, it's interesting. I study Business and Management which is very interesting.
- If you were an animal what would you be?
A Koala because they look so cuddly and I just love them.
- What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome?
Probably moving out of home and going to university, and believing it's okay to be single and also just because I am not always invited places doesn't mean I am not wanted within some of my university friends.
The Questions I am giving you:
- Why did you start your blog?
- What are three things you couldn't live without?
- What is your favourite shop?
- What is your favourite Television Series?
- What is your most favourite memory?
- Where do you want to be in five years?
- What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
- If you could change one thing in your past what would you chose?
- If you had to be one FRIENDS character for a day who would you be?
- If you were stuck on a desert island, which three celebrities would you want there?
- What is your favourite food?
I Nominate:
- @sydnidenise5
- @FreelyNat
- @ItsMayaRose
- @AnneDonahoe
- @_spilledpolish
- @skincare_diary
- @tralisty
- @TashaDeborah
- @hayleyjoeann
- @MandyFerrugia
Thank you so much for taking the time reading this, congratulations to my nominations and thank you Stephanie for my nomination. See you again soon with another blog post.
You can follow my social media links here:
Instagram - @_ameliajl
Bloglovin - Follow
Really enjoyed reading this and seeing your answers to the questions! X
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
Deletecongratulations honey! keep up the great work!!
ReplyDeletethank you sweety :) it means a lot