Well Hello and Welcome back to my Blog in the New Year, I figured with it being the new year that I would reflect on 2016 and my wishes for 2017. 2016 was a great year it was a quick year or it felt like it was over in a second, so many amazing things happened yet it also felt like it could have dragged on for a long time.
2016 Reflections
Going to do this in a bullet point list since I don't want to be rambling on forever as I feel like I could be doing that. Also i am not sure if this i s going to be a long list, not many things happened in 2016 from what I can remember but I'll try my best to remember.
- Left College with a triple Distinction in June.
- Kept a lot of friends from college.
- Became slightly more sociable.
- Completed my Scrapbook.
- Decided I wanted to go to Uni and Visited my first choice University.
- Started watching Once Upon a Time
(Said there wasn't many i could remember but I am working on remembering.)
2017 Wished
Again I am going to do this in Bullet Points but I think I have more predictions or hopes for this year then most years. Also at least one of these wishes have actually happened since I started writing this in January and it's now the 1st Feb because I was procrastinating too much.
- Have a good 21st Birthday - Well that's happened now.
- Use my blog more
- Go See Wicked Again
- Go See Phantom of the Opera
- Go See Les Miserables
- Go See Dream Girls
- Go See Hamilton when it comes out in the UK (probably won't happen if you ask me)
- Go See Ed Sheeran live at the O2
- Work more hours
- Prepare for Uni.
- Go to Uni in September 2017
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