After what seems like forever since I last posted a blog post, I am finally writing and it's definitely a simple blog post. After watching my favourite youtuber Caitlin Rose's video that can be found here about 19 things learnt by 19, I decided to do 21 things I learnt by 21. Also read till the end as I am going to explain a few things after.
- It's okay to be selfish sometimes in order to make yourself happy, even if it means letting others down sometimes.
- It's okay not to be okay all the time, you don't have to be happy and feeling okay all the time, you are allowed to have days when you're feeling down.
- You don't have to do everything your friends are doing, just because their things seem fun, you don't actually have to do the things they are if you don't want to or feel like it.
- You can't please everyone, even if you want to, you're not going to be able to make everyone happy.
- A relationship isn't everything and you don't need a man in your life, it's nice to have them there but you don't need them, it's about being independent.
- Just because you're best friends with someone doesn't mean they will always willingly open up about everything that's going on with them and you can't force them to either all you can do is be there for them and support them and let them know that you are there if they ever want to talk.
- That you can't get everything you want just by asking, you have to work for it and then earn it and it means a lot more.
- Not all friendships will last forever and you can't expect it too, you can just try to make them work.
- You will argue with friends, boyfriends, parents, and other people, it's not always going to be simple, people are going to disagree with you no matter who they are.
- Even if you say you don't care when you're in an argument and you don't feel bad or guilty for anything in an argument, the truth is you do and you're lying to yourself saying you don't.
- True friends will last forever whilst boys will come and go - refer to a sex and the city quote!
- Just because you're best friends doesn't mean you will see each other all the time and that's okay, you're busy, you've grown up, it's not like school when you see each other every day for five days in a row.
- Life will never be simple even when we want it too as it's always throwing challenges our way and it's up to us to try and conquer those challenges.
- When people say you need a job, you need to find a job, remember just because people say that doesn't mean it's easy to get a job.
- Everyone expects you to know what you want to do when you get older but the truth is, it's okay not to know.
- You won't look like your idol actress and you don't need to, you just need to look like yourself.
- Always be yourself, you shouldn't have to act like someone you're not just to fit in and make friends, you will find friends who appreciate you for who you are.
- If you're happy with your weight then you don't have to change it because other people tell you that you should. And other peoples comments on your weight shouldn't even be something that makes you want to lose weight.
- It's okay to make mistakes, everyone does, and without those mistakes you wouldn't be where you are today.
- Never expect anything, the least expectations you have the better things will be because you've stopped things are going to be amazing.
- The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.
So now for a little update: First of all, I am sorry for the unfrequent posts on here, sometimes it has been hard to find motivation to write and i just don't want to post things that I am not proud of. Second of all, I am off to university very soon, so I am kind of hoping to have more posts up within the next year, but they will again start off a little slow. Thirdly, I am very much thinking of buying a domain name but I am very unsure so if anyone out there thinks it would be a good idea then I would really love your feedback.
So that is the end of my post, I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave a comment.
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