Welcome back to another post here on Amelia Beauty and Advice and hope you guys like the new theme, I know I do, considering I paid for it as well! Although I still need to do my Uni Year One round up, I am going to do that once exams are over but this is something I need to talk about after being obsessed with for four years now.
A good four years ago, my friend introduced me to Sex and the City the movie, I mean of course I knew about the film and the series but I had never actually watched it which I was definitely shocked about when I finally watched the film and then immediately I decided to start watching the series and immediately I fell in love with the show, the fashion, the designer shoes (which of course I wish I could afford but unfortunately I can't.)
Sex and the City consists of a tv series of six seasons and two movies and it's about four girls named Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Miranda Hobbs and Charlotte York. And then there are men like Mr Big, Steve Brady, Aidan Shaw, Harry Goldenblatt, Smith Jerrod and many other men of the girls life. In all honesty the foundation for this show, is the friendship and it follows the friendship of these four ladies.
For me, my life is more important with friends then a relationship, I mean I have never had a relationship before but I mean true friends are going to be by your side for as long as possible. I mean relationships are great and of course if you find the one then they will be by your side forever, but the reason I love this show is the friendship and the fact that "your friends can be your soulmates."
I like to think that I am a mixture of all the girls especially Carrie and Charlotte. Carrie is the writer, she writes a column about Love and Sex really, but she writes (like i like to write a blog, you get me?) Another reason I feel like I am a lot like her is I am ambitious which for me is a big thing. I also feel like I am like her because when she is in such a happy place and an easy going place, she is waiting for something bad to happen, now I know that's a bad way to live, but unfortunately it is something that I go with which is why I am always scared to try new things. Saying that I also feel like I am like Charlotte, because I really do believe in Love and the idea that everyone gets their happy ending, although I do believe it happens when you wait for it and you're not expecting it to happen unlike Charlotte when looking for that guy to marry. She is also very optimistic about everything which is something that I love and feel like I try to be like as well and there is also a little bit of Charlotte inside of Carrie! Part of me is also like Miranda, mainly because I see myself as a a workaholic and a hard worker who tries to put her full potential in her work.
So If you hadn't already guess I love Sex and the City.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog post.
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