2018aimee vincentanastasia kingsnorthbeauty spectrumcaitlin roseemily rosekalyn nicholsonlifestylemy top ten youtuberssaffron barkertalia martiffany alvordyoutubeyoutuberszoe and chloe
Hello and Welcome back to my little place on the internet, after having like two pretty serious and deep chat posts, I wanted to lighten it a bit up here and appreciate some amazing creators or YouTube. I have been watching YouTube for what seems like a very long time now and within the years of watching it, I fell in love with a lot of different YouTubers, I mean I could just list the usual and most popular youtubers for example Zoella or Joe or Alfie but lets be real as much as I love them and I do still love their videos and watch them all the time. There are also some other amazing YouTubers out there that I literally love watching them. Some of these people I have been watching for a long while and others are people I have been watching for a few months. So lets do this, they are in no particular order, just in a list of what I wrote in my notebook.
1. Anastasia Kingsnorth
Anastasia Kingsnorth is by far one of my favourite YouTubers, I honestly don't remember the exact time I started watching her videos, but it was a long time ago, I want to say about 3 years ago but I don't remember but ever since, I have really enjoyed her videos and her vlogs. It's crazy how much someone can really achieve when they really work for it and they put in the effort and with Ana, you see she puts in 100% with everything she does and it definitely pays off. Even watching her vlogs really motivate me to work harder at everything I do.
2. Caitlin Rose
Caitlin Rose is someone I have been watching for a while as well and I have alwyas enjoyed her videos, but when I really started watching a lot more of her videos is when she went to University and she uploaded University Vlogs and videos and it was somethign that helped me when I was preparing for university. She has a great range of videos from Vlogs to Mystery Videos, to Fashion videos and it's amazing how much effort she puts into it alongside being a university student. One thing about her though is she is genuinely so nice, I tweeted her several questions before I was going to University and she always replied with the sweetest replies and and was always willing to answer my questions.
3. Aimee Vincent
Aimee is a channel I have only recently found but her videos always make me smile and I do very much enjoy her videos. One of her videos was about How to Deal with a bad day, I watched this when I was actually feeling down at university the other week and honestly it really did help me and her videos just seem very helpful but also fun to watch.
4. Zoe and Chloe
I came across Zoe and Chloe when I started my channel and after watching a couple of their videos I fell in love, every thing I watched of there's always made me laugh. Their content is something i enjoy watching all the time. They work hard on their videos and I always end up entertained by them, and all the time I was down at uni or just down in general I will make sure to watch a videos of theirs and I am all together transformed and feel happier.
5. Kalyn Nicholson
Recently I went through a down moment where I soon googled on YouTube how to be happy and single, crazy how I needed to do that right? But after doing that I found Kalyn's video, she spoke about how to be happy and single and it really helped. After watching that, I started watching more and more videos of hers and really enjoyed watching it that I couldn't help but subscribe and continue watching them.
6. Emily Rose
Emily's video was something I really came across when I started university in September, because I was looking at university room tours and her's came up and I found out she started uni at the same time as me. After watching that, I fell in love with her videos and her personality is just great, it comes across in every video. The other thing I liked about watching her videos is you could tell she worked hard on them and she wanted them to be good. I loved her Uni vlogs because it always interests me what others get up to at uni.
7. Beauty Spectrum
Recently I started watching Beauty Spectrum and I honestly fell in love with her videos very quickly, especially her travel vlogs, because it makes me want to travel more and more excited for the idea of travelling in the future. I really like her fashion videos but my favourite are her vlogs, I look forward too it all the time. She's just genuinely herself in her videos and I always enjoy the time watching her videos.
8. Saffron Barker
Saffron Barker is one youtuber I have watched for a while, I was subscribed to her a while back before I even watched a video but once I watched one, I enjoyed watching them all the time. Her energy and her work ethic is amazing and for someone who is just 18, it's great how much work she put's in which proves that no matter how old you are, if you want something or you want to achieve something, you can if you put the work in. It's wonderful to watch her videos and vlogs and just see what she's up to.
9. Talia Mar
Talia Mar's youtube is always fun to watch, she has a mixture of beauty, music (she is a fantastic singer.) and some great collabs too. Her videos are also very entertaining, (I feel like all the ones I am saying they are entertaining but it's the truth.) Fun Fact: I actually was part of a talent show a while back with Talia, a long time ago anyway. But her video's are great and I don't think I have ever missed a video's of hers.
10. Tiffany Alvord
When I first started watching youtube videos back when I was around 15, Tiffany was the first person I watched, because I was actually looking for a specific song and then her cover came on and I listened to it and then ever since i listened to every cover she has posted and her original songs as well.
So that is my top ten youtubers and I am still always watching them, but I feel like they deserve some acknowledgement and the deserve the praise because they are by far amazing.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, hope you check out my other blog posts and enjoy the rest of your day :)
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