My Blogging Schedule

by - Tuesday, July 14, 2015

So I have decided I'll come up with a strict time to get a post up on my blog for the summer as I have the rest of this month and the next month off college and then I will change my schedule up when I go back to college. This is so you know when I should have a post up and also so I have something to stick to, there might be times I can't get a post up if I am working. I might even post on other days that aren't on the schedule, but it's just something to go by. 

  • Mondays - 9pm GMT
  • Wednesdays - 9pm GMT
  • Fridays - 9pm GMT
  • Potentially Saturday - 10/11pm GMT
So those are the days, although depends how tired i am on Saturdays as I am currently working on Saturdays but if I am awake I will write a blog post. 

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