Non Party Person Advice

by - Tuesday, July 14, 2015

So a week or so ago, I had to attend my best friends 18th Birthday Party and I hate parties so it was a big thing to even go to. I even researched things but in all honesty there is no way you can prepare for something like parties if you don't really go to parties. If you want a few tips of how to deal with parties if you aren't a party person then feel free to read on. 

  1. My first tip for you would be, if you have told some one you'll be there go, I mean I know it can be a hard thing to just go and say yeah I'l go if you aren't a party person but the thing is if you say no and you do your usual thing and sit at home and do what? You'll be wondering what you're missing. 
  2. Secondly, don't feel like you have to stay for so long, most people will turn up late and then stay until early hours of the morning, but if you don't want to then simply don't. NO ONE CAN FALSE YOU TO DO ANYTHING, if you want to go early and don't want to stay till the end, then all you need to do is go. 
  3. Thirdly, most people will be drinking alcohol, and yeah it does help with confidence, I will admit to that, but if you really don't want to drink then don't drink it's not the most important thing, stick to your guns you do not have to drink if it's not something you really want to do then don't feel you need to just because everyone else is. If you are going to drink either bring a few with you or limit yourself to a few unless you want to get totally drunk. 
  4. Now I know everyone loves their phone time but the whole point that you are going to this party is to socialize, so why not take the time and put your phone away and socialize with people there and try and make a friend. 
  5. A tip that really helped me, take a friend along with you, someone you know you can trust, some one who will leave when you want to leave and doesn't moan about it. Someone who will help you talk to others so you are not standing in the corner on your own like an awkward lemon. 
These are only a few tips, I hope they helped you if you aren't a party person, I will have some more interesting posts coming up hopefully in the next few days, I will post a blog schedule as soon as possible maybe later on today. Feel free to leave a comment.  

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  1. These are such a good tips! Its great not to give into peer pressure :P
    Stay fabulous x
    Y //
