Oh and welcome back to my blog, it's been a while I know, but I didn't know what to post until this hit me. I'm a 20 year old girl, I am no longer a student, I am almost 21 and have no clear idea for my future. Remember at School when your teacher tells you that you need to have an idea of your future job and people come up with ideas that they want to be a "Teacher" or a "Lawyer" or a "Footballer" or an "Actress" or a "Technician" or even a "Chef." But the thing is at a young age as even 20, how can you be so sure of what you want to do or be in the future or where you want to be in the future when everything is changing? How do you make up your mind of where you want to be in ten years from now? Why do people expect you to make up your mind when you're only young? How do people expect you to make up you mind of what you want to do when the world is continuously change?
What I think is that when anyone tells you or asks you what you want to do in the future, you take that quote from Twilight: Eclipse, as cheesy as it might sound, " Change your mind. Then change it again because nothing is permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be. We won't have to guess. We'll know." As much as it sounds cheesy, it's right, we're young and there is never a definite answer of what you wish to do.
From the top picture, you can see three things, one of them includes University of Sussex, no I am not currently at University but I have plans to go next year. This will link back to making mistakes and everything changes, if you asked me a year ago like my college teacher if I wanted to go to university, you would have got the answer of No, I just want to go into full time work. Then Summer came around and everything changed, including my thoughts about going to Uni, I realized I wanted something new and then going around the University I have wanted to go to since I was 16 before I decided I didn't want to go Uni, I fell in love with the university and everything around it, then I realized I wanted to go to Uni for real and experience the independent life.
Another part of the picture is two retail stores, if you didn't know before I have been working at Shoe Zone, I have been working there for two years now and I absolutely love it, even though it's tough and annoying and not the best pay, working there has made me feel part of a family and close friends. Recently the managers daughter has started and I am super glad to work with her because she's definitely fun to work with. But to be honest I couldn't imagine myself not working there. Then there's Bags ETC, I recently started working there and as much as it's different to shoe zone and I am still working there, it's still something I am enjoying.
All I am trying to say is don't let people tell you that you need to define your future because of all this , it's your future not anyone elses and you need to remember that. It took me a long time to realize that I needed to stop making other people proud and to try and make myself proud, so now I have more confidence in myself and now I am feeling more free and excited for my future.
So thats the end of my story and although it's tough, I hope everyone can learn to make their future their own.
So this is a little different to my usual blog posts but i am finally getting back into writing and I feel as if I just need to write about what I feel so we'll see what's next up. I kind of feel like I'm writing like Carrie Bradshaw.
So that is the end of my post, I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to leave a comment.
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