Different ways to enjoy student life!
....Or your young life or just any time of your life.
So as you can see I have been gone for way too long and I have had the idea for this post for two months. But I thought since I have come to university, I have been doing a lot more to enjoy my time when I am not in lectures or doing work and thought I would give a little over view of things you can do to enjoy your time.
- Black Coat: New Look - Originally £49.99, Now £25.00 (Either the same or Similar)
- Scarf: New Look - £10.00 (I have had it for about 2 years now)
- Jenna Ripped Jeans - New Look - £15.99
- Boots - Shoe Zone - 19.99
- Bag - Bags ETC - 13.99
I mean first off for the beach, in this weather we have right now, walks on the beach are kind of, very cold but living by the beach makes me want to go for walks there more often. Even though it has been pretty cold, walking on the beach with friends can be very fun and you can make so many different memories whilst just walking on the beach. Walking on the beach on your own is also very therapeutic. If you haven't got a beach to walk on, then just going for walks, they can be very nice and relaxing and fun as well.
Now I know not everyone is legal to drink, but if you are, just a nice simple night going to the local pub whether its a wetherspoons or a more fancy pub. Having a few drinks and a chat or catch up is always nice, it's very nice to spend time with friends over a drink.
This is another thing that is like going to the pub but it doesn't allow you to do much talking, there is a lot of music and dancing that you can't really talk. But if you're legal to drink and go to a club then I definitely thing this is a fun one off chance you can go in a week or maybe once a month depending on how much money you have.
Going out for coffee with friends is always relaxing and fun, or even going there and doing work can always been used as relaxing and always nice to go and do work and have a cup of coffee and even spend time with friends as it's always a good place for friends to catch up if you haven't seen each other in a while.
Where ever you are, I am sure there are events you wish to go to whether they are close by or not, why not go with your friends, if they are close by then you can go out and have some fun and get there and back easily. Yet, if it is further away you can enjoy the journey with your friends and making even more memories. For me, events I have experienced with friends especially recently, was Firework Night which was really nice and relaxing and chilled because it was a night with no drinking but with some of my closest friends and having a laugh. Another one was Chinese New Year, I mean I'm not Chinese and I have never experienced Chinese New Year before but fortunately my friend was in the show that was going on near my university halls so me and my flatmates went to watch and it was very relaxing and fun to see what they do in the Culture. It's very easy to find some simple but fun events going on you can do with friends.
Going back to being a teenager but it's something that'll never get old, is Movie Nights, even at university, getting a group of friends together for an evening to take a break from work and stress, and put on movies and get snacks and chill, it's very relaxing but very fun as well.
This one is mainly for university students, but join Societies, mainly because one night a week, you will make new friends and you'll also have a lot of fun. What's even better is their nights out, for example with my show choir, we went to a place called Playzone, which was really fun and actually a much better way to make new friends.
One main thing I have to say is do things out of you comfort zone, you'll make new memories and the whole point of living your life is to make the most of it, so don't spend it sitting doing nothing and regretting it all.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog post.
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