Hello and welcome back to my blog, I am so happy to be writing this blog post, mainly because I feel like I need to just need to get this off my chest, I even filmed a video on it. This is something I actually think that most girls, or most people should actually spend more time focusing on it.
This is about why I am choosing myself over others now, and what I am doing to really be happy by myself.
As Carrie Bradshaw once said, "I am just going to be myself. Single and Fabulous!" Which is the exact thing I am going to be.
In the words of Ru Paul, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else."
It takes a lot to say NO I am going to just focus on myself now and no one else and trust me I for one definitely get it, I have always been a person who puts other peoples feelings before mine! But sometimes you have to realise if you don't focus on yourself, you are not going to be happy!
Being free and just the chance to be yourself and feel like you are going to love yourself and give yourself self care and make sure you are the happiest you can be on your own.
I have a few reasons why I am choosing myself, first of all is HAPPINESS! This is because you can't and shouldn't rely on others to make you happy, yes you can be happy in the company of others but that doesn't mean you can't be happy with your own company and it should be you making yourself happy which is something I have had to learn over the past two years of university.
Another thing is I am starting to realise I don't NEED others to make me happy, I just need myself, I need to focus on me and making myself happy! Which if you give yourself a healthy mindset you can be happy.
This point leads on, the lss you need others the more INDEPENDANT you will become, becuase you won't be relying on anyone else but yourself to be happy which means you can realy focus on yourself. Because the more you rely on others to make you happy, means you'll do anything to make them happy even if you're not happy. So once you start focusing on yourself you become more independant.
Another thing is and this goes back to making others happy, STOP doing things you don't want to do for others just because it'll make them happy.
Another thing is and this is what I did all the time, I let people walk all over me and say things and would just be like im so sorry and whatever even if I wasn't in the wrong STICK UP FOR YOURSELF, even though it is hard to do so and trust I get it, sticking up for yourself is the most important thing and if you lose friends because of it then really they aren't a true friend.
Another reason I am chosing me over anything is to stop OVERTHINKING, it is something I always struggle with, I will overthink any little thing I can and honestly it actually sucks because it makes me not want to do anything and I just sit there and be miserable and scared and down for the whole day.
This is about why I am choosing myself over others now, and what I am doing to really be happy by myself.
As Carrie Bradshaw once said, "I am just going to be myself. Single and Fabulous!" Which is the exact thing I am going to be.
In the words of Ru Paul, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else."
It takes a lot to say NO I am going to just focus on myself now and no one else and trust me I for one definitely get it, I have always been a person who puts other peoples feelings before mine! But sometimes you have to realise if you don't focus on yourself, you are not going to be happy!
Being free and just the chance to be yourself and feel like you are going to love yourself and give yourself self care and make sure you are the happiest you can be on your own.
I have a few reasons why I am choosing myself, first of all is HAPPINESS! This is because you can't and shouldn't rely on others to make you happy, yes you can be happy in the company of others but that doesn't mean you can't be happy with your own company and it should be you making yourself happy which is something I have had to learn over the past two years of university.
Another thing is I am starting to realise I don't NEED others to make me happy, I just need myself, I need to focus on me and making myself happy! Which if you give yourself a healthy mindset you can be happy.
This point leads on, the lss you need others the more INDEPENDANT you will become, becuase you won't be relying on anyone else but yourself to be happy which means you can realy focus on yourself. Because the more you rely on others to make you happy, means you'll do anything to make them happy even if you're not happy. So once you start focusing on yourself you become more independant.
Another thing is and this goes back to making others happy, STOP doing things you don't want to do for others just because it'll make them happy.
Another thing is and this is what I did all the time, I let people walk all over me and say things and would just be like im so sorry and whatever even if I wasn't in the wrong STICK UP FOR YOURSELF, even though it is hard to do so and trust I get it, sticking up for yourself is the most important thing and if you lose friends because of it then really they aren't a true friend.
Another reason I am chosing me over anything is to stop OVERTHINKING, it is something I always struggle with, I will overthink any little thing I can and honestly it actually sucks because it makes me not want to do anything and I just sit there and be miserable and scared and down for the whole day.
I hope you enjoy my blog because I am very excited to be blogging for everyone! if you do, i would love if you followed my socials which can be found below.
- Instagram: @_ameliajl
- Twitter: @ameliajfilms
- YouTube: amelialaingfilms